


Industrias Industria de semiconductor


Automatic grease lubricators can be used on the in-house equipment such as loaders, conveyors, and electric motors but they are installed mainly on wet scrubbers and AHU (Air Handling Units) and cooling towers of HVAC system.

Maintaining cleanliness, constant temperature and constant humidity is very critical due to the special features of a semiconductor manufacturing plant. AHU (Air Handling Units) and clean room facilities are the most common areas for automatic grease lubricators. Recently, automatic grease lubricators have been installed directly to production lines such as automatic storage systems, transfer robot systems of LCD panels and LM blocks etc.

As many toxic materials are used in the fabrication process in semiconductor plants, it is vital that workers not be directly exposed to these dangerous substances. Most semiconductor fabrication facilities employ exhaust management systems, such as wet scrubbers, combustors, heated absorber cartridges etc., where automatic grease lubricators are mainly installed.

Related equipment

Main lubrication points

Due to the conditions of clean work place, facilities for dust, temperature, moisture, most machine is lubricating for Air Handling Unit, dust collector, scrubber. Before introduction of electro mechanical type lubricator on the market, gas type lubricator was popular but reliability became dropping due to the temperature and moisture inside of air handling unit. Major players are electronics industry of Korea, Samsung, LG, Hynix, Dongbu electronics use electro mechanical type lubricator.